
About our foodbank

Here is an introduction to our project.

Our foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area.

The Chorlton & Didsbury Foodbank became an Charitable Incorporated Organisation in April 2018, and have a management committee of 7 Trustees.

We have 3 outlets

We  currently have 3 outlets located across the Chorlton and Didsbury area.  We have a small office at St Barnabas Church and Community Centre.  We also have a small warehouse to store food and supplies that have been donated.

We depend on volunteers 

The outlets are all staffed by volunteers who give their time to meet with our clients and distribute the food and supplies – and we could not exist without them.  See more information on our “Give Help, Volunteer” page.

We are still getting busier

There has been a year-on-year growth in the number of clients being referred to us for food parcels.  This reflects a trend that is happening across the country.

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